Amalgamated Union of Employees in Government Clerical and Allied Services (AUEGCAS)

Amalgamated Union of Employees in Government Clerical and Allied Services (AUEGCAS) was established on 24 September 1963, immediately after the formation of Malaysia.

The union represents clerical workers in Malaysian public service in both federal and state governments.

The scope of representation of AUEGCAS is as below :

  1. Admin Assistant
  2. Junior Admin Assistant
  3. Machine operator data processor
  4. Computer operator
  5. Telephone operator
  6. Associated grades in all federal and state agencies


The objectives of AUEGCAS are ensuring reasonable working condition for members in public sector, forming a strong and independent trade union movement, protecting members’ dignity, job security, better standard of living and job benefits.

AUEGCAS is affiliated with CUEPACS, MTUC and Public Service International.

AUEGCAS leadership 2022-2025

President : Asman bin Haji Mohd Nawawi

Deputy President : Haji Zaulkefli bin Abd. Manaf

Secretary-General : Amir Hamzar bin Yakat Ali

Assistant Secretary-General : Haji Muhd Zawawi bin Haji Hassan

Treasurer : Suraya binti Ibrahim


If you are interested to join AUEGCAS, please contact the union at :

Address : No. 32 A Jln Gajah, Off Jalan Yew Pudu, 55100 Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Google Maps :

Tel : 039285-9613

Fax : 03-9283-8632

Email :

Website :

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