Versi Bahasa Malaysia
Pekerja separuh masa ialah seseorang yang telah memasuki kontrak perkhidmatan dengan seseorang majikan yang purata waktu bekerjanya lebih daripada 30% tetapi tidak melebihi 70% waktu bekerja biasa seseorang pekerja sepenuh masa.
Pekerja separuh masa menikmati hak-hak yang sama dengan pekerja sepenuh masa dalam Akta Kerja, tetapi faedah-faedahnya dengan kadar berikut:
- Jika kerja OT tersebut masih dalam waktu kerja pekerja sepenuh masa, bayaran lebih masa (OT) tidak kurang daripada kadar upah sejam
- Jika kerja OT tersebut di luar waktu kerja pekerja sepenuh masa, bayaran OT tidak kurang daripada kadar upah sejam x 1.5
- Jika kerja OT pada cuti umum, bayaran OT tidak kurang daripada kadar sejam x 2; Jika kerja pada cuti umum dan di luar waktu kerja pekerja sepenuh masa, bayaran OT tidak kurang daripada kadar sejam x 3.
- Cuti umum berbayar tidak kurang daripada 7 hari.
- Cuti tahunan: Kerja < 2 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 6 hari; 2 tahun < kerja < 5 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 8 hari; kerja > 5 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 11 hari
- Cuti sakit: Kerja < 2 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 10 hari; 2 tahun ≤ kerja < 5 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 13 hari; kerja ≥ 5 tahun, tidak kurang daripada 15 hari
Sumber: Seksyen 2(1), Akta Kerja 1955; Peraturan (Pekerja Separuh Masa) Kerja 2010
English version
A part-time employee is a person who has entered into a service contract with an employer whose average working hours are more than 30% but not more than 70% of the normal working hours of a full-time employee.
Part-time employees enjoy the same rights as full-time employees under the Employment Act, but their benefits are at the following rates:
● If the OT work is carried out within the working hours of a full-time employee, the overtime (OT) payment is not less than the hourly wage rate
● If the OT work is outside the working hours of a full-time employee, the OT payment is not less than the hourly wage rate x 1.5
● If the OT work is on a public holiday, the OT payment is not less than the hourly rate x 2; If the OT work is on a public holiday and outside the working hours of a full-time employee, the OT payment is not less than the hourly rate x 3.
● Paid public holidays of not less than 7 days.
● Annual leave: Work < 2 years, not less than 6 days; 2 years ≤ work < 5 years, not less than 8 days; > 5 years of work, not less than 11 days
● Sick leave: Work < 2 years, not less than 10 days; 2 years ≤ work < 5 years, not less than 13 days; work ≥ 5 years, not less than 15 days
Source: Section 2(1), Employment Act 1955; Employment (Part-Time Employees) Regulations 2010